Palawa: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

PALAWA Journal of Community Service is a Journal that contains the result of community service activities, community empowerment, apllication and or dissemination of science and technology, process improvement and dissemination of knowledge to the community.

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CALL FOR PAPERS - VOL. 3 No. 1 Juni dan No. 2 Desember 2024


Vol 3, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


Ahmad Shobib, Ainur Achyar, Dapit Sibange Bange, Tri Andi Dewantoko, Lista Puspa R, Ahmad Jaelani, Norma Widianingrum, Krisna Bayu S, Faridatul Munah, Kholifah Nur A, Yudi U.D Rambadeta, Nabila Shavira, Octa Wisnu W, Indah Lestari, Ady Haryanto
1 - 5
Muhamad Safi'i, Rouf Muhammad, Muhammad Juli Saputra, Muhamad Idrokul Fahmi, Ahmad Ramdhani, Syahrul Maulana Rozaki, Hamdan Ramadan
6 - 12
Is Solikhatun, Dyah Kusumawati, Sri Umiatun Andayani
13 - 20
Arif Rifan Rudiyanto, Mustagfirin Mustagfirin, Agung Riyantomo
21 - 25