Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Acoustics and noise, Aerodynamics, Advanced materials, Manufacturing, Modelling, Energy studies, Engines and turbines, Environmental protection, Combustion, Fatigue and Fracture mechanics, Heat transfer, Fluids Mechanics, Lubrication and wear, Materials science, Mechatronics, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Stress analysis, Structural and machine design, Renewable energy, Structural mechanics, Thermodynamics, Materials processing, Vibration.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Table of contents

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to this journal must follow focus and scope, and Author guidelines of this journal. The submitted manuscripts must address scientific merit or novelty appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of articles in this journal by using a Turnitin software.The research article submitted to this journal will be double blind review at least 2 (two) or more expert reviewers. The reviewers give scientific valuable comments improving the contents of the manuscript.Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to reviewers comments. Publication of accepted articles including the sequence of published articles will be made by Editor in Chief by considering sequence of accepted date and geographical distribution of authors as well as thematic issue.


Publication Frequency

Majalah Ilmiah Momentum has ISSN Number 0216-7395 (Print) and e-ISSN 2406-9329 (On-line) and is published twice a year as part of the April and October editions. Jurnal Ilmiah Momentum has also been published online in Indonesian since 2014 as a full peer review journal.


Open Access Policy

Visitors and authors can view and download articles published for free. This open access allows your published articles to be seen by the widest possible audience and encourages more quotes from your work.



1. Google scholar index google scholar

2. Indonesian Publication Index portalgaruda

3. Science and Technology Index-SINTA



Publication Ethics

The publication code of ethics is a norm that must be obeyed by writers who will publish their scientific work in publication media. The basic norm in conducting publications is prioritizing, moral, scientific integrity, and honesty of the writer.

• Moral; able to distinguish good and bad behavior in writing.

• Scientific integrity, upholding the principles, nature and scientific truths, so as not to sacrifice them for any purpose.

• Honesty; what the author does is in accordance with the actual objective conditions, and does not do things that are not properly done in research / writing (misconduct)

The code of ethics that must be fulfilled by Writers who will publish their scientific articles in the Majalah Ilmiah Momentum:

1. The author must uphold scientific conduct to understand the benefits / benefits and risks of the published writings.

2. Articles published free from writing (misconduct), include: Fabrication, data forgery, and Plagiarism/ autoplagiarism.

3. Authors must include adequate citations to all statements, ideas, data, which are not the results of their research.

4. Articles published in the field of science are appropriate or relevant to the scientific fields of Majalah Ilmiah Momentum namely Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Informatics Engineering.

5. Published articles do not cause conflicts with certain parties or potentially disturb the community.

6. The authors listed on published articles are truly those who are competent and have significant contributions in writing the article.

7. The author does not make multiple publications on this published article to the journal or other means of publication, simultaneously

8. Parts or whole published articles have never been published in other publications.

9. Published articles are the original results of research, ideas or thoughts of the author, which are guaranteed a free plagiarism statement written above the seal by the author.


Author Ethics

1. Reporting; the writer must provide honest, clear and comprehensive information about the process and results of his research to the editors, and keep his research data properly and safely. 2. Originality and plagiarism; The writer must ensure that the manuscript that has been sent / submitted to the editor is the original manuscript, written by himself, sourced from his own ideas and ideas, and not to copy the writings or ideas / ideas of others. Authors are strictly prohibited from naming the reference sources cited to the names of others. 3. Repeated shipping; the author must inform that the manuscript sent / submitted to the editor is a manuscript that has never been sent / submitted to the journal publisher / other publications. If a redundancy is found in sending the manuscript to another publisher, the editor will reject the manuscript sent by the author. 4. Author status; the writer must inform the editor that the writer has competence or qualifications in a particular field of expertise in accordance with the field of publication science, namely librarianship. The author who sent the manuscript to the editor is the first author (co-author) so that if found problems in the process of publishing the manuscript can be resolved immediately. 5. Error writing the script; the writer must immediately inform the editor if an error is found in writing the script, both the review and editing. Writing errors include writing the name, affiliation / agency, quotations, and other writings that can reduce the meaning and susbtansi of the manuscript. If that happens, the writer must immediately propose improvements to the manuscript. 6. Disclosure of conflicts of interest; the writer must understand the ethics of scientific publications above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the manuscript can be processed smoothly and safely.


Editor's Ethics

1. Information publication; editors must ensure that the writing guidelines for writers and other interested parties can be accessed and read clearly, both print and electronic versions. 2. Distribution of peer-reviewed manuscripts; the editor must ensure the reviewer and material of the manuscript for review, as well as clearly inform the reviewer of the terms and process of the manuscript. 3. Objectivity and neutrality; the editor must be objective, neutral, and honest in editing the manuscript, regardless of gender, business side, ethnicity, religion, race, ethnicity, and author's citizenship. 4. Confidentiality; editors must maintain all information properly, especially those related to the privacy of the author and the distribution of the manuscript. 5. Disclosure of conflicts of interest; editors must understand the ethics of scientific publications above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the process of publishing manuscripts runs smoothly and safely.


Reviewer Ethics

1. Objectivity and neutrality; the reviewer must be honest, objective, unbiased, independent, and only in favor of scientific truth. The process of studying the manuscripts is done professionally without distinguishing gender, business side, ethnicity, religion, race, inter-group, and citizenship of the author. 2. Clarity of reference sources; the reviewer must ensure that the source of reference / citation of the manuscript is appropriate and credible (accountable). If errors or deviations are found in writing the reference / quote source, the reviewer must immediately inform the editor to make corrections by the author according to the note of the reviewer. 3. Peer-review effectiveness; The reviewer must respond to the manuscript that has been sent by the editor and work according to the set of peer-reviewed manuscripts (maximum 2 weeks). If additional time is needed in the review of the manuscript, it must immediately report (confirmation) to the editorial secretariat. 4. Disclosure of conflicts of interest; The reviewer must understand the ethics of scientific publications above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the process of publishing a manuscript runs smoothly and safely.


Article Processing Charges

Fee of publication in the Majalah Ilmiah Momentum is Rp. 200,000, - Per article loaded


Plagiarism Check


All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of articles in this journal by using a Turnitin software.