Jurnal Ilmiah Momentum

Majalah Ilmiah Momentum is a Scientific Journal managed and published by the Faculty of Engineering, Wahid Hasyim University with ISSN 0216-7395 and e-ISSN 2406-9329. Publish twice a year, ie every April and October.

The scope of fields that can be published in this journal are mechanical engineering.

Majalah Ilmiah Momentum first published in 2005, and started online since 2014.

We invite researchers to join us by sending research papers. We are waiting for your paper.

This journal has been indexed on the Indonesian Publication Index, Science and Technology Index and Google Scholar


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Vol 20, No 2 (2024): Vol 20, No 2

Table of Contents


Muhamad Hanifudin, Dony Perdana, ACHMAD MA’SUM NURUL AINI
wahyu aditya setya putra, Ahmad Khairul Faizin
Heri Kiswanto, Purwanto Purwanto, Indah Nurhidayati, Wahyu Ari Putranto, Susanto Susanto
Christian Soolany, Renaldo Ihza Mahendra, Dhimas Oki Permata Aji
Dony Perdana, Moh Badrus Afandi
moch miftakhurrohman, Luluk Edahwati
Muhamad Safi'i, Nazaruddin Sinaga, Martha Khoirunnisa, Muhammad Iqbal Farhan Putra Arya, Agung Nugroho, Tabah Priangkoso, Susanto Susanto, Suheri Suheri, Oktarina Heriyani, Yafid Effendi