- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Review Guidelines
- Screening Plagiarism
- Publication Ethics
- Article Processing Charges
- Journal Subscription
- Waiver Policy
- Author Guidelines
- Revenue Sources
- Archiving Policy
- Plagiarism Policy
- Journal Subscription
- Authorship Criteria
- Copyright Notice
- Journal Description
- Indexing
Focus and Scope
JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia is a scientific journal in the field of Islamic economic studies published twice a year by Islamic Studies Development Center, Islamic Faculty, Wahid Hasyim University. The editor receives scientific articles in the form of conceptual script or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Economic Sharia and Law theme which cover Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Marketing, also Behavioral Economics, Management, and Human Resources in Islamic perspective; Agreement Law in Islam; Comparative Law on Economics; Community Economic Institutions; Civil, Economic, Business (Conventional) Law; Local Wisdom in Sharia Economic Perspective; History of Sharia Economic Thought which come from autors from Wahid Hasyim University, autors from other campuses and from foreign universities.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesiamaintains the standards of peer review while increasing the efficiency of the process. At least two reviewers independently review every manuscript submitted to JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia in the form of "double-blind peer review." The decision for accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected is based upon their reports/recommendation. In some instances, the editor may submit an article for review to another, the third reviewer before making a decision, if necessary. All research articles published in JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia undergo full peer review, key characteristics of which are listed below:
- At least two suitably qualified experts review all research articles.
- The journals’ Editors-in-Chief make all publication decisions based on the reviews provided.
- Members of the international Editorial Boards lend insight, advice, and guidance to the Editors-in-Chief generally and to assist decision making on specific submissions.
- Managing Editors and Editorial Assistants provide the administrative support that allows JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia to maintain peer review integrity while delivering rapid turnaround and maximum efficiency to authors, reviewers, and editors alike.
- JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia additionally benefits through the manuscript referral process from the high-quality peer review conducted by established journals.
Peer review of referred papers:Editors of JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia will decide promptly whether to accept, reject, or request revisions of referred papers based on the reviews and editorial insight of the supporting journals. Besides, Editors will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed. Authors will be advised when Editors decide further review is needed.
Peer review of novel submissions: Articles submitted directly to JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia will be fully peer-reviewed by at least two appropriately qualified experts in the field selected by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief or a designated member of the Editorial Board will then decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions based on the reviews and comments received. Editors will decide whether each submission reports well-conducted research with conclusions supported by the data presented in the paper. Assessments of priority will not be a factor in decision-making, but all papers must make an incremental or novel addition to the literature.
Open Access Policy
This journal is open access journal and the journal comply with I4OC standards for open citations. which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or / institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full-text articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or author. This is in accordance with Budapest Open Access Initiative
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Review Guidelines
Responsibility of Peer Reviewer The peer reviewer is responsible for critiquing by reading and evaluating manuscripts in the field of expertise, then giving constructive advice and honest feedback to the author of the article submitted. Peer reviewers discuss the article's strengths and weaknesses, increase the strength and quality of the paper, and evaluate the relevance and authenticity of the manuscript.
Before reviewing, please note the following:
• Is the article requested to be reviewed following your expertise? If you receive a script covering the topics that are not appropriate areas of your expertise, please notify the editor as soon as possible. Please recommend an alternative reviewer.
• Do you have the time to review this paper? The review process must be completed within two months. If you agree and require a longer period, notify the editor as soon as possible or suggest an alternative reviewer.
• Is there any potential conflict of interest? Meanwhile, conflicts of interest will not disqualify you as a reviewer and disclose all interest conflicts to the editor before reviewing. If you have any questions about potential conflicts of interest, do not hesitate to contact the editorial office. Review Process When reviewing the article, please consider the following:
• Title: is it clearly illustrating the article?
• Abstract: does it reflect the contents of the article?
• Introduction:
does it describe the accuracy of matters submitted by the author and clearly state the problem being considered? Typically, the introduction should summarize the relevant research context and explain the research findings or other findings, if any, offered for discussion. This research should explain the experiments, hypotheses, and methods. Content of the Article To determine the originality and suitability for the journal, are there any elements of plagiarism over 25% of this paper field? Quick literature search can use certain tools such as Scopus to see if there are similarities from other parts. If other authors had previously done the study, it is still eligible for publication? Is the article is fairly new, fairly deep, and interesting to be published? Does it contribute to knowledge? Does the article adhere to the standards of the journal? Scope - Is the article in line with the objectives and scope of the journal?
Method Comprehensive and perfect:
• does the author accurately describe how the data is collected?
• is the theoretical basis or reference used appropriately for this study?
• is the exposure design suitable for the answer to the question?
• is there decent enough information for you to imitate the research?
• does the article identify the following procedures?
• are there any new methods? If there is a new method, does the author explain it in detail?
• is there any appropriate sampling?
• have the tools and materials used been adequately explained? Furthermore, does the article exposure describe what type of data is recorded, right in describing the measurement? Results: This is where the author must explain the findings in his/her research. It should be clearly laid out and in a logical sequence. You will need to consider whether the appropriate analysis has been carried out using statistical tools? If you have a better statistical tool to be used in this study, notify it, and the interpretation need not be included in this section.
Discussion and Conclusion:
• are the claims in this section is supported by the fair results and quite reasonable?
• does the author compare the research results with other previous ones?
• do the results of research written in the article contradict the previous theories?
• does the conclusion explain how better scientific research to be followed-up?
Tables and Pictures:
Is it suitable for the referred explanation by showing data that is easy to interpret and understandable for the readers? Writing Styles
• Authors must be critical mostly to the literature systematic review of the issues, which is relevant to the field of study
• Reviews should be focused on a single topic
• All exposure should be in English and written in a god and coherent grammar
• Easy to understand
• Interesting to read.
Things that need to be considered:
• Perspective. A unique perspective that describes experiences and situations related to issues in marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operation management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management control system, management information system, international business, business economics, business ethics and sustainable, and entrepreneurship. Originality Research.
• The original data and testing. It must present data that offers a new approach to improve systems, processes, and precision of the used tools.
• Research policy and observational analysis. It should clarify the feasibility, effectiveness, and implementation of the research results. It is not limited to marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operation management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management control system, management information system, international business, business economics, and business ethics and sustainability, and entrepreneurship.
• In Practice (case study). The paper should explain the situation regarding the future challenges in marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operation management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management control system, management information system, international business, business economics, business ethics and sustainable, and entrepreneurship, within its conclusions, and things which can be learned.
• Reference.
• First Person (Interview);
• Book Reviews;
• Insight Technology (Product Review) Final Review
• All results of the review submitted by reviewers are confidential
• If you want to discuss the article with a colleague, kindly inform the editor
• Do not contact the author directly.
• Ethical issues:
- Plagiarism: If you suspect the article is mostly plagiarism from other authors, please let the editor knows the details
- Fraud: It is challenging to detect a fraud category, but if you suspect the results in the article is not true, please inform the editor Complete "The Review" by the due date to the editorial office. Your article's recommendation will be considered when the editor makes a final decision, and your honest feedback is highly appreciated. When you write a comment, please show the comment that is only intended for the editor and parts that can be returned to the author. Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office with any questions or problems that you may encounter.
Screening Plagiarism
Plagiarism screening will be conducted by Progress Editorial Board using Grammarly® Plagiarism Checker, Plagiarism Checker X, and Turnitin
Publication Ethics
This is the statement of ethics for JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia published by Islamic Studies Development Center, Islamic Faculty, Wahid Hasyim University. This statement was adapted from the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and covers the code of ethics for chief editor, editorial board members, reviewers and authors. Articles published in JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge on education and those are a direct reflection of the writers and institutions quality. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the authors, the journal editors, the peer reviewers, the publisher and the society. Editors of JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia are committed to guarantee that all procedures are directed merely to facilitate an objective and intellectual treatment. Further, the editors and reviewers evaluate manuscripts without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or certain political and group interest.
Duties Of Authors
- Have the responsibility of ensuring only new and original work is submitted.
- Must not reproduce work that has been previously published in other journals.
- Must not submit any articles that are being reviewed or considered by the journal to other journals simultaneously.
- Are only allowed to publish their work elsewhere after receiving a formal rejection from the journal or if their request to withdraw their work is officially accepted by the journal.
- Must inform the Chief Editor or the publisher of any inaccuracy of data in their published work so that correction or retraction of article can be done.
- Should make significant contributions and be held accountable for any shortcoming in their work.
Duties Of Reviewers
- Must disclose any competing interest before agreeing to review a submission.
- Can refuse to review any submission due to a conflict of interest or inadequate knowledge.
- Review all submissions objectively, fairly and professionally.
- Reveal any ethical misconduct encountered while reviewing to the Chief Editor for further action.
- Should ensure the originality of a submission and be alert to any plagiarism and redundant publication.
- Must not discuss the content of the submission without permission.
- Adhere to the time allocated for the review process. Requests for extension to review the submission is at the discretion of the Chief Editor.
Duties Of Editorial Board Members
- Actively contribute to the development and the greater good of the journal.
- Act as ambassadors for the journal.
- Continuously support and promote the journal.
- Review any work assigned to them.
Duties Of Chief Editor
- Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on their intellectual merit.
- Ensure confidentiality of manuscripts and not disclose any information regarding manuscripts to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process.
- Has the responsibility to decide when and which articles are to be published.
- Actively seek the views of board members, reviewers and authors on how to improve/ increase the image and visibility of the journal.
- Give clear instructions to potential contributors on the submission process and what is expected of the authors.
- Ensure appropriate reviewers are selected/ identified for the reviewing process.
Article Processing Charges
To increase the quality of articles at Jurnal Iqtisad, Since June 2024 this journal charges the following author fees. Article Publishing Charges (APCs): 0 (USD) or 500.000 (IDR) The fee for publication of an original paper in this journal is 500.000 (IDR) (for Indonesian author) & amp; $50 (for Foreign author). If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to fill out and send a Statement of originality along with your digital signature and you will be asked to pay the fee. This fee includes the proofreading cost/fee of the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED until payment has been received. The mode of payment: The author may send through Direct Deposit from any bank to our bank account with the following details: This is the name and bank account to transfer the fee: Bank Account Number: 1174865549 Bank Name : BNI (BANK NEGARA INDONESIA ) Account Name : KSPPS BMT MUAMALAT WAHID HASYIM *Please email your copy of the publication fee deposit slip to: iqtisad@unwahas.ac.id
Journal Subscription
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Please send an email to iqtisad@unwahas.ac.id stating the intention to subscribe or purchase a print copy of the journal. The journal admin will issue an invoice and deliver the product upon confirmation of the subscription. Subscription Price: IDR75.000,00 per issue (from 2018 - onwards). The shipment cost is not yet included and calculated depending on the weight and delivery address.
Waiver Policy
All article published in JURNAL IQTISAD is Open Access. Open Access publishing implies that all readers, anywhere in the world, are allowed unrestricted access to the full text of the article immediately on publication in JURNAL IQTISAD. No payment is collected from the readers for accessing and using the articles.
Author Guidelines
Author guidelines
General requirements
- Manuscripts can be either research-based paper or conceptual paper that have been formatted to meet the general writing standards of a scientific journal article.
- Manuscripts is preferably written in Bahasa Indonesia, English or Arabic language.
- A manuscript is an original work (not plagiarized) and has not been published in other journal or media, printed or electronic.
- The manuscript needs to be submitted online to Jurnal Iqtisad website through the Open Journal System (OJS) at https://publikasiilmiah.unwahas.ac.id/index.php/iqtisad/index
- Applying a “blind review” system, the manuscript should not state the author’s name, institution, and emails. Authors’ name, institution, and emails are stated during the author’s registration with OJS. For a convenient communication, it is advisable to include your active cell phone number when registering.
- The manuscript must be typed in a Segoe UI, with 4000-6000 words in length. Click here for the template.
- Reference or bibliography should list 20 references minimum. The primary reference is at least 5. The manuscript should also refer to several research studies published in reputable journals (journal article reference).
Manuscript writing
The title must be typed in all capital letters, bold, centered. The subtitle is all typed in small case letter. Each word starts with the capital letter, bold.
- Direct quotation, which is equal to or less than 40 words, is indented with a double apostrophe (“…”), single-spaced. Direct quotation of more than 40 words is typed indented on both right and left side, single-spaced.
- The indirect quotation is typed in a sentence with no quotation symbols.
- In all of these quotation types, direct and indirect, the name of the author(s), publication year and page(s) number must be provided.
Table or graph should be presentable in a Microsoft Word document. Table or graph must be accompanied with a specific caption (numbering, title, source, if any). See the template for illustration.
Table or graph should only be displayed when it really helps readers to understand the content substance.
Referencing system
Please be advised that Iqtisad employs a Chicago manual of reference style .
Book with single authorExample:
Mansour Fakih, Analisis Gender & Transformasi Social (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010), 101.
Zadie Smith, Swing Time (New York: Penguin Press, 2016), 315–16.
Book with multiple authorsExample:
Bashin, Kamla, dan Nighat Said Khan, Persoalan Pokok Mengenai Feminisme dan Relevansinya, terj. S. Herlina (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1995), 101
Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 12.
Chapter or another part of an edited book
Henry David Thoreau, “Walking,” in The Making of the American Essay, ed. John D’Agata (Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016), 177–78.
Articles from journals, magazines or newspapersExample:
Hasanah, Hasyim, “Peran Strategis Aktivis Nurul Jannah al Firdaus dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Beragama Perempuan Miskin Kota”, Inferensi 7, no. 2 (2013): 474-86.
Susan Satterfield, “Livy and the Pax Deum,” Classical Philology 111, no. 2 (April 2016): 170.
Shao-Hsun Keng, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem, “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality,” Journal of Human Capital 11, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 9–10, https://doi.org/10.1086/690235.
Other sources (legislations, handbooks, posters, etc)Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 1998 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Jakarta: Armas Duta Jaya, 1990), 51
Internet-based“Privacy Policy,” Privacy & Terms, Google, last modified April 17, 2017, https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.
“About Yale: Yale Facts,” Yale University, accessed May 1, 2017, https://www.yale.edu/about-yale/yale-facts.
Katie Bouman, “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole,” filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA, video, 12:51, https://www.ted.com/talks/katie_bouman_what_does_a_black_hole_look_like.
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life.New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
Keng, Shao-Hsun, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem. “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality.” Journal of Human Capital 11, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 1–34. https://doi.org/10.1086/690235.
LaSalle, Peter. “Conundrum: A Story about Reading.” New England Review 38, no. 1 (2017): 95–109. Project MUSE.
Satterfield, Susan. “Livy and the Pax Deum.” Classical Philology 111, no. 2 (April 2016): 165–76.
Smith, Zadie. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2016.
Thoreau, Henry David. “Walking.” In The Making of the American Essay, edited by John D’Agata, 167–95. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016.
Abstract is written in English which contains the purpose of research, method or approach, and research result. The abstract is written in one alenia with the number between 150-250 words. Written in one column format. The font used Cambria 10,5 single spaceRevenue Sources
Jurnal Iqtisad is an open-access journal, which is published in both the online and print versions. Source of income from institutional support (faculty). Source of income, which is utilized in maintaining the administrative and the print cost. Also, a very non-significant part of revenue comes from the subscription.
Archiving Policy
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism Policy The author has only to submit a manuscript that is free from plagiarism and academic malpractices. The editor, however, double checks each article before its publication. The first step is to check plagiarism against the offline databases developed by the Faculty of Islamic Religion, Wahid Hasyim University, Indonesia. Secondly, against as much as possible online databases. Plagiarism screening will be conducted by Progress Editorial Board using Grammarly® Plagiarism Checker, Plagiarism Checker X and Turnitin
Journal Subscription
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Please send an email to iqtisad@unwahas.ac.id stating the intention to subscribe or purchase a print-copy of the journal. The journal admin will issue an invoice and deliver the product upon confirmation of the subscription. Subscription Price: IDR75.000,00 per issue (from 2018 - onwards). The shipment cost is not yet included and calculated depending on the weight and delivery address.
Authorship Criteria
Authorship provides credit for a researcher's contributions to a study and carries accountability. Each author is expected to have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software used in work; or have drafted the work or substantively revised it. AND to have approved the submitted version (and any substantially modified version that involves the author's contribution to the study); Moreover, to have agreed both be personally accountable for the author's own contributions and to ensure that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and the resolution documented in the literature.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work and the journal comply with I4OC standards for open citations.
Journal Description
JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia is a scientific journal in the field of Islamic economic studies published twice a year by Islamic Studies Development Center, Islamic Faculty, Wahid Hasyim University. The editor receives scientific articles in the form of conceptual script or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Economic Sharia and Law theme which cover Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Marketing, also Behavioral Economics, Management, and Human Resources in Islamic perspective. This journal has become a CrossRef Member, therefore, all articles published by JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia will have unique DOI number. Journal Histori The journal Iqtisad is a place to express thoughts in the fields of economics, Islamic economics and law studies, both in Islamic law and in Islamic economic law. This journal is published by the Center for the Development of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Unwahas Semarang. The iqtisad journal was first published in 2014, initially the iqtisad journal only published a journal once a year. however since 2018 iqtisah journal has started publishing its journal 2 times in 1 year. The number of articles in the journal Iqtisad once published is 7 articles from both Wahid Hashim University authors, authors from other campuses and from foreign universities
JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia has been indexed by the following service (click the link for the further information): 1. Google Scholar 2. Moraref 3. Indonesia OneSearch 4. ROAD ISSN 5. DOAJ 6. Sinta 7. BASE - Bielefeid Academic Search Engine 8. Dimension 9. GARUDA – Garba Rujukan Digital